Saturday, February 12, 2011

A New Beginning

2011 and what a new year.

I feel like I've been away, but at the same time I've probably finally landed.
Since I posted the first picture back in June, so much happened.
I've gone through so many changes and I feel like my life has taken a turn for the better.

I've been through so much in the past months, in September I left my boyfriend of 2.5 years.
It's hard to wake up from something like that, I moved back home, met a new boyfriend a couple of months later, started going to the gym, got a job, cut my hair,  went to Canada to meet previously mentioned boyfriend and now I'm here, writing the first entry of my new blog.

During that time I also experienced a great loss. I lost my grandmother to cancer.
She had been sick for some time, the same week as I moved home I was supposed to go visit her after she went to get her tests at the hospital. That didn't happen. Instead she was hospitalized right there and then and never got better. She died on the 10th of November.
I am happy that my grandmother had such an active and good life. 
Her head was clear untill the very end even though her body was failing her.
I love her dearly and she will always be in my heart.

I took this very hard and I was depressed for several months, had trouble sleeping and focusing.
Luckily I've had a great boyfriend through all of this who has taken care of me and supported me.
I'm really glad he put up with me hah, since I've been a real mess.

I am however glad to be back on track. I'm getting a new shippment of lolita clothes in a couple of weeks.
I've decided to rebuild my wardrobe and I'm getting rid of almost everything.
The dress I am wearing on the second picture is a dress I traded for my Violin bag with my dear friend Tove.
I'm so happy for it and it's a great addition to the new take of my wardrobe.
The outfit is what I wore today for a dinner with a couple of friends of my parents.

I have also aquired one of my dream dresses about a week ago, Victorian Maidens Fairy Doll Chiffon in blue.

I first saw this dress on my trip to Japan back in 2009, I wasn't allowed to buy more than one new lolita dress and I had already bought the one I wanted. Luckily now I could finally add this to my wardrobe and I couldn't be happier about it!

Also if you're interested in seeing the rest of my wishlist and some of my wardrobe, please check out my Flickr!

I'm really glad that I'm able to fit into my lolita clothing again! I gained weight and was actually considered overweight about a year ago. Then I started changing my diet and around July-August I had lost about 4kgs. Then I started doing bodyweight exercises and two months after moving home I made the transition to the gym. Now I'm lifting weights instead and I feel great about it! My waist measurement is back to what it was before I gained weight and my bust is actually a bit bigger. I've only lost 2 more kgs but that's because of the gained muscle mass :D

This blog is mainly going to be about my road to a fit body and about my love for lolita. 
Including tips for food and exercise as well as my hand made clothes and ideas and thoughts about lolita.

I wish you the best of luck and joy in this new year!


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