Thursday, July 28, 2011


Now I spent my last month in Vancouver.
I have never paid a visit to Vancouver before and I must say it's a lovely city.
I spent time with my boyfriend, discovered the city and met his family and friends.
I also went to High Tea for the first time with the lovely Viki on June 30th~
She wrote about it on her blog so give it a read!

My outfit:
Hair accessory: Hand Made by me~
Cardigan: ETC
 Dress: Hand Made by me~
Socks: Ergi
Shoes: ETC

Viki wore:
Parka: Liz Lisa
Dress: Angelic Pretty
Bag: Bebe
Stockings: Aldo
Shoes: DreamV (I so love their shoes, have a black pair myself!)

I had a lovely time even though my dehydration got the best of me.
I must say though High Tea is nothing for me, I've never been much of a lifestyler and while I love doing.. "classic things" it mostly involves reading old books.

We also went on a great hunt trying to find me a foundation. I am very very fair and I can never find anything just light enough. I tried several including Armanis foundation which was good and while it was quite light it didn't give me the lightness I was looking for and just covered up my current redness (due to sunburn).
We went and looked at Anna Suis foundations and I tried their lightest one.
In retrospect I am so glad I chose it because it really really matches my original skin tone well as well as covers up the small imperfections. It also has a 25spf and smells like roses~ I also bought an eye shadow pen to get their gift pack which contained a lipstick, hand cream and some other small things.

I felt really bad most of the day and I really hope Viki will forgive my crankiness, lolita really gets hot after a while!

On July 1st Vincent and I went out to look at the fireworks since it was Canada day~
It was freezing but I'm glad I got to spend the evening with him like that.
I have so much love for this guy haha!

This is how he looks in my head, because he's always so happy!
But yes, we went and had a BBQ hosted by our wonderful friends Jay and Lin.
Vincent is here modeling the magic creation of awesome: Strawberry, bacon, cheese and dulce de leche <3

Blurry pic of my two favorite hosts~

We went on a day trip to Seattle with the super awesome Herman who drove us the whole way.
Now I never told you this Herman but I really do think you are awesome, remember that if you read this!
We had a great time, visited the farmers market, an awesome comic book and related things store, had awesome burgers at the Cheese Cake Factory and drove back through the outlets where we shopped till at least I was broke.

I also met the two super cool and creative people Jeanine and Jordan, they are really awesome as well but I never took a picture fore some reason.

So much happened, so much I didn't write here, but I can't. It was a whole month full with wonderful new experiences, crazy food, some working out and running too actually and a lot of new friends.
I miss Vancouver and I hope to be back really soon~

Next post will actually be something fitness related.. I hope!

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Sorry for the delay~

It's been long has it not? I've been busy like always.
Actually I've been off to Canada for a full month, came back on Friday and it turns out that the lightning storm zapped out our telephone line. Because of this I have no real internet or phone connection. Currently I am stealing.. or well borrowing my brothers internet that he is kindly exuding from his phone via wi-fi.

So, back to business!
I got a lovely comment from Miss Kamilla and I'm very happy to find a comment in my blog!
First of all as far as mini hats go, this lovely lady has a wonderful collection of hand made mini hats for sale.
I don't wear hats personally but if I did I would wear hers, the level of craftsmanship is wonderful and I always make a habit out of promoting her things when I see her selling them.
I do own a pair of her hairbows though, they are adorable and easy to wear. I just need an outfit that matches haha!

I am changing my routine to go more for aesthetics and less for strength. While my body has changed and improved since I started Starting Strength I do not feel like it is a routine I would like to continue and I would like something more varied. It is however a great starting routine and I deeply recommend it to anyone looking to get into weight training as it is absolutely crucial that you learn the form for the major compound lifts.

My routine will consist of weight training twice a week, an upper and a lower body workout. Running twice a week, OR running once and doing another cardiovascular activity and I also wish to do yoga once a week.
Why not do 3 days of gym activity and 2-3 days of cardio? Because I am not confident enough in my eating habits to maintain such an active lifestyle.
A few weeks before I left for Canada I did 3 days of weight training and 3 days of cardio per week, I was obsessed and pushed myself too hard, didn't eat enough and overtrained my body. I had a hard time getting out of bed, moving around and continuing any of my regular activities. It ended up with me having to rest it out and not work out for two weeks. This is something I absolutely have to avoid.

Remember girls (and boys) your body needs rest too, listen to it and don't push yourselves too hard. Work yourselves up to it instead of going all out. 
I will be back very very soon with a post about my running, time in Canada, feelings about lolita and more~
But for now, I need to sleep. Tight sleep schedule is my new deal!
Good night and have pleasant dreams my dears.