Thursday, August 18, 2011

What Motivates Me?

In the world of fitness there's always a talk of motivation, it's usually a lot harder to get motivated then to actually preform your workout. Some days everything seems to be working against that motivation and you don't see a single reason to work out. Well here's 6 things that I think about to always keep me up and running!

6. Defeat
In everyone's life there are always ups and downs, I lack a lot of self confidence sometimes and there are a lot of things working against me. However these things make me push harder and find better solutions to my problem instead of a "quick fix".

5. Constructive Criticism 
I never get motivated by people saying "you already look good", "you're fat" or "you're perfect the way you are". As someone who lifts weights I know I'll always strive to improve. Saying that there's no need for me to push further just makes me get annoyed and so does calling me fat. I don't respond to unjustified criticism or praise. Sure, hearing that I look great so far feels good! But I'm not "perfect" and I still have problem areas that need to be addressed. The perfect way to motivate me is actually to say, "you look great but your legs could use some more work" or something similar depending on where you feel my flaw lies.

4. Fit People
So many people have achieved amazing things with their bodies, I want to be one of them!
I've searched far and wide for a "goal picture", a girl with a similar bodytype to mine that has achieved the status of "fit girl". This has however so far deemed impossible, mainly because of my child birthing hips.
Seriously, my WHR is 0.66 atm and my hips are staying the same size while my waist is just getting smaller and smaller. Oh well. I have to create my own body and perhaps someday I can set a goal for a girl with a similar bodytype to my own.

3. Appreciation and Supporting Others
The day before yesterday I spent a couple of hours trying to coach an anorectic girl who wanted to lose fat and gain muscle because her doctors told her she couldn't lose weight (for obvious reasons). While the girl was obviously still very sick and none of us could get through to her someone posted this for me:

This made me happy in a very special way, I'd only slept 4h that night, I was very tired and I had planned to skip the gym for that day because of that. As soon as I saw this I got dressed and headed off to the gym.
People appreciating my help and my lust to support others is one of my favorite things. I love helping out and I love coaching people, and the best part is when they are happy for it.
Obviously this time around the person I tried to help didn't take it, but it feels good that someone think I put in a good job.
Also of course this has to be justified, I'm bad at taking credit for things and especially if I don't feel like I did anything special.

2. Unfit People
What can I say? Fat people, smokers, skinny fat people, drug addicts, alcoholics, anyone that's not into fitness. Why? Because I used to be one of them. I can't tell you how much I enjoy having a flat stomach. Being able to put on jeans without something pouting out and having to suck in my stomach when I walk around outside. They also encourage me to get better, I want it to be visible that I'm different, I'm not one of the crowd. I work out and I'm proud of what I have accomplished. This is one of my biggest motivations.

1. Boyfriend
My top motivator, always supporting me when I need it, always there for me. Gives me advice on my fitness when I ask for it and acts as my trainer whenever I'm over. He's not afraid to tell me when I'm cheating on my workouts (even if it's not thaat common) and even though he is quite biased he'll help me figure out what to do about my "problem areas". But most of all he makes me love myself for who I am. No matter your size, weight, goals or issues the most important thing is to love yourself for who you are. You can never achieve perfection if you don't.

All my love and the best of luck to you~ 

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